Food, Clean Drinking Water & Medicine go hand in hand!

Limited education and limited access to health care contribute to lower levels of health knowledge. Lack of financial resources hinder the purchase of nutritious foods and the unavailability of ready access to water for agricultural, personal and cooking needs all contribute to a high incidence of wasting malnutrition. Providing wells, water purification & nutritional education would significantly improve the overall health of people in these marginalized communities.

Where free health care is available to all, after diagnosis, there is often a shortage of the required medicine or the finances to purchase what is needed.

Even though medication is provided every three to six months to combat parasitic infestations, the people return to their homes and drink the same contaminated water repeating the cycle.

Your support to purchase Clean Water Purifies, Healthy Food & Medicine is what allows us to make an impact in the lives of indigenous communities.




Digging Wells